Make the Most of Your Natural Beauty

Photo: Two girls drinking juice and laughing

Natural beauty starts from the inside out! It comes from taking care of your body as a temple and living in harmony with nature. The first step is to take a look at the lifestyle factors involved in achieving a healthy body and radiant skin.

A balanced, natural, and plant-based foods diet and a healthy lifestyle are the keys to beauty and vitality. A radiant complexion is a reflection of our body's inner health. Here are some ways you can nourish your body and enhance your beauty.

Go Veggie

A low fat, high fiber, vegetarian diet is optimal for your body's health and beauty. Eating junk, 'non-foods' and flesh foods result in a build up of toxins which sooner or later will show up on our face as blemishes (toxins trying to be released), or on our bodies as excess weight, damage, and disease. Simply by eating a healthful and balanced veggie diet, you will be on your way to clear skin, healthier muscle tone. and an increased sense of well being.

Picture: Beautiful bowl of healthy food


Are you eating the perfect balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and enzymes from fresh organic food everyday? If not, then you will probably need to supplement with a multivitamin & mineral complex to get all the nutrition your body needs. The worse a person's diet is - the more they need supplementation.

When we are not getting all the nutrients our body needs, this will manifest in a poor skin condition. A deficiency in Vitamin A, for instance, can cause dry, rough skin, premature aging and split, peeling nails. Vitamin B complexes are also vitally important for healthy hair, skin and nails as well as C, E, sulfur and zinc. Nutritional yeast is a good source of B-complex vitamins, including B12 and amino acids. 

The addition of other supplements to benefit your skin, such as collagen, may also be beneficial. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and it helps to make tissues strong and resilient, and able to handle stretching. Some lifestyle factors can deplete our natural store of collagen, like lack of sleep, poor nutrition, or smoking. Our Down to Earth stores carry a variety of collagen products that aren't derived from animal sources. Another product to consider is shea butter, for deep moisturizing and prevention of cell damage. Just ask our wise Wellness Team Members for suggestions to improve the way you feel and look.

Smooth it Out

If your skin and hair are dry, your nerves are frazzled, and your are nails weak - make sure you're getting enough Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). These are vital for healthy skin, shiny hair, and strong nails. Flaxseed oil is one of the richest sources of EFAs and it is also quite tasty! Use it in your salad dressing, on steamed veggies or baked potatoes. I even like a little on my spaghetti! A word of caution: never cook flaxseed oil. Apply it to food after it is already on your plate. Flaxseed oil can also be used topically on the skin and as a hot oil treatment for the hair. Just dampen hair, gently comb through the oil, wrap in a towel and leave in for 10-30 minutes. Shampoo, condition, and rinse. That's it- easy and effective.

Juice It Up

Vegetable and fruit juices are rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and can really perk up your complexion. Unlike vitamin-destroying and dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea, and sodas - fresh juices are ultra vitalizing! Include lots of fresh and leafy greens, sprouts and a variety of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet and you'll be amazed at the increase of vitality you experience and the clarity of your skin.

Picture: Fresh beet juice

Keep it Clean

Eliminating toxins from our bodies is essential to freshness and vitality. Avoid alcohol, smoke (including second hand smoke), recreational and prescription drugs (always consult with your doctor before changing your medication use), caffeine, refined sugar, soft drinks, meat, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.

Beauty Tip: Go on a short cleansing fast at least once a month. A partial fast from food will give your digestive system time to rest and revitalize. Only a clean body can properly absorb the nutrients it takes in. Natural health aides such as wheat grass, acidophilus, pineapple and papaya enzymes, Detox Tea (Yogi Tea makes a good one) and added fiber can be helpful in the cleansing and renewal of your digestion and elimination system. Getting a massage also helps speed up the cleansing process. Wear a minimum of natural makeup (no mineral oil or formaldehyde, please) and always go to bed with a clean, fresh face.

Move It

Take a walk. Take the stairs. Swim, dance and bicycle to work. Play a sport or fly a kite. Do yoga. Qigong. Tai Chi. Engage in any kind of physical movement to get your circulation going, help your lymphatic system eliminate waste fluids & toxins, and bring more vibrancy to your life and to your skin.

Picture: Tai Chi Practice in the Park


We breathe more than we do anything else. Our health suffers when we are not taking in enough fresh, oxygen-filled air. Outdoor and Indoor pollution can be one of the factors causing poor skin condition. Air out your indoor living spaces. The use of a good air purifier could be helpful in enclosed environments. Take walks in a forest or on the beach to ionize and energize.


Our bodies are mostly made up of water. So, it makes sense that pure, clean water is essential to our body's proper functioning, efficient elimination of toxins, and for the health of our skin. Experts say to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but it could be more based on your weight and gender.

Be At Peace

Make the time to reduce stress - even if it is only a moment to take a few deep breaths! Stress is damaging to our health and to the way we look and feel. Make sure you are getting a balance of exercise and enough restful sleep. Bath Therapy, Music, and Aromatherapy can all help you to be calm and relax. Yoga postures, meditation, and prayer are examples of activities you can integrate into your life that will help you emanate a natural, radiant, and healthy glow that will be an inspiration to others.

The bottom line is that when we're getting all the nutrients our bodies need, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, this will manifest in radiant skin and hair, and an overall feeling of wellness, which will allow you to shine with natural beauty and joy!

Picture: Group of Women Smiling