Transitioning to a Healthy Diet

It does not take a lot of research and education to understand the basics of healthy eating. The primary staples of a healthy diet are whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies, and nuts and seeds. A good model to follow when preparing a substantial meal is to be sure that the meal contains 25 percent whole grains, 25 percent high protein plant sources like tofu, beans, etc, 25 percent veggies and healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and 25 percent fresh salad. The following are some suggestions for simple, balanced meals:


  1. Organic plain yogurt with natural granola and a piece of fruit. Or...
  2. A tasty smoothie made with 100 percent juice or soy milk, a banana, strawberries, blueberries and soaked almonds. Sprouted wheat toast on the side.
  3. Tofu Scramble with fruit and toast.


  1. Veggie Sandwich on sprouted wheat bread with mock-meat slices or baked tofu, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and sprouts. Season with a variety of herbs and spices. Or...
  2. Fresh veggies and hummus wrapped in whole wheat pita bread


  1. Tofu stir-fry with fresh veggies and brown rice. Or...
  2. A hearty and healthy burrito with black beans, grilled vegetables, and fresh salsa wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. Do not forget a crispy side salad with a light dressing.

By incorporating ample amounts of these dietary staples mentioned above, and eliminating your intake of refined grains and sugar (such as white flour, cane sugar, white rice, etc.) you are on your way to a healthy lifestyle.