Customer Testimonials

Since 1977, Down to Earth has been helping Hawaii residents improve their health through fresh, local, organic & natural products and a vegetarian lifestyle. In their testimonials below, customers explain how products we sell have helped them. Take a look! Perhaps you will find a nugget of information that will benefit you in your own life.

Down to Earth Wailuku Memories...

Photo: David J.

I remember when you all started on Vineyard and Central in Wailuku. My dad used to come by and get carrot pulp from your carrot juicer to use in his compost. Thanks for expanding throughout the state.

Great Cashiers, Fun Social Media Presence

Photo: Lisa S. with a Team Member

Look who won the Grand Prize in @downtoearthhi's FB guessing game!! That $50 gift card turned into a celebration meal for my son and friends on their last day of classes at UH (right up the street).

Down to Earth Rocks!

Photo: Irene Mina

I love DTE, because of the great shopping convince of it central location, great family atmosphere of employees, delicious and nutritious foods, love your cooking and educational classes, great local produce and love your prices!!!

Amazing Customer Service: Down to Earth Kailua

Photo: Myla Fe Poh

"I just wanted to tell you about the amazing customer service I received last night in your Kailua store.

All Natural Skin Care Products

Photo: Tracy M.

“I like to use skin care products that are made without artificial ingredients.

Curamin Keeps Headaches at Bay

Photo: Barry L.

"For years, I've suffered from intense headaches. When I moved to Hawaii 3 years ago, I went in search of a natural remedy at Down to Earth. They told me to try Curamin.

The Healthiest Ingredients

Photo: Patty Jean

“I am allergic to eggs. I love how all of the products at Down to Earth do not contain any eggs.

MSM Helps Joint Pain

Photo: Jane T.

"Being an avid golfer for many years, combined with the effects of aging, all started to take a toll on my joints. I would be fine sitting for a while, but then I found getting up was becoming harder and harder.

Arnica Helps Bruising

Photo: Melissa R.

“While swimming recently, a boat crashed into my arm as I tried to swim out of its way, leaving my arm bruised and sore. I went to Down to Earth to see if they had anything to relieve the pain. The wellness person there suggested I try Arnica.

Great Local Store

Photo: Scott Cooney

“Down to Earth is a great, locally owned store with a high level of integrity and community involvement...helping make Hawaii a better place seems to be part of the business model.