Lifestyle Hub
Why is Chocolate So Expensive?
| What's New
Your favorite chocolate treats are getting pricier, and it's not just inflation. Chocolate prices are expected to stay high due to a perfect storm of issues:
Animal Welfare on Dairy Farms
| Innocent Animals
Down to Earth is not only dedicated to good health and protecting the environment, we’re also passionate about animal welfare!
Healing Our Planet Through Regenerative Agriculture
| What's New
You may already know that Down to Earth is all about organic, natural, local, and sustainable goods, but did you know we’re also 100% in support of regenerative agriculture?
Honoring Our Kupuna With Healthy Living Solutions
| Health & Wellness
We admire them, we appreciate them, and we honor them…our beloved kupuna! Every day is a good opportunity to show respect for our kupuna.
The Art of Veggie Sushi
| Local Living
Although nothing is perfect in this imperfect world, veggie sushi comes really close. On a hot Hawaii day when you don’t want to cook more than a pot of rice and want something filling and nutritious, sushi is all you need! The rice is comforting and filling.
Empowering Healthy Wahine
| What's New
Aloha Wahine! Whatever stage of life you’re in, we are honoring you this week during National Women’s Health Week.
All-stars who Malama the Aina daily, Hau'oli Earth month!
| Natural LifestyleAs the end of April is approaching, we want to give one last shoutout to those who contribute to raising environmental consciousness. Our planet Earth is one of only eight planets in the cosmic solar system and is the only known place in the universe able to support life. It surely plays a critical role in our universe.
Earth Month: Kickstart Your Spring Garden
| Environment & Sustainability
Earth Month is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by diving into the magic of gardening? Whether you’re planting your first seed or already have dirt under your nails, growing your own goodies or choosing organic is the way to go.
Celebrate World Health Day and Earth Month with Aloha!
| Environment & Sustainability
Taking care of and loving the ʻāina is essential to assuring that all people, and all living entities, have nourishing food to eat and safe places to live. Without healthy food, how can people in Hawaii and worldwide thrive and be well?
Love your liver!
| Health & Wellness
Within our bodies, we have a vital cone-shaped and dark reddish-brown colored organ. Although it may only weigh about 3 pounds, it takes on a hefty role in our bodies, helping with food digestion, ridding the body of waste products, and creating clotting factors to help keep the blood flowing, amongst other things.