While helping to protect and sustain the earth and all her splendor is surely a worth-while endeavor, it is also important to protect and sustain our bodies with a healthy lifestyle to improve our personal quality of life. That’s because what we eat can cause or worsen illness and premature death associated with diet-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease and stroke, obesity, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes, among others. So what is the prescription for a healthier body, both now and in the future? Simple. Reject meat, which all too often has been blamed for these diet-related illnesses, and replace it with an all-vegetarian, organic, and natural diet.
There is mounting evidence that organically grown fruits, vegetables and grains may offer more of some nutrients, including vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and less exposure to nitrates and pesticide residues than their counterparts grown using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.1 In this regard, a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives showed that consuming organic products may lower children's exposure to potentially damaging pesticides.2 Reviewing 41 published studies comparing the nutritional value of organically grown and conventionally grown fruits, vegetables, and grains, certified nutrition specialist Virginia Worthington concluded there were significantly more of several nutrients in organic crops. These included: 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, and 13.6% more phosphorus. In addition, organic products had 15.1% fewer nitrates than their conventional counterparts. She also noted that five servings of organic vegetables (lettuce, spinach, carrots, potatoes and cabbage) provided the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for men and women, while their conventional counterparts did not. Worthington said the results are consistent with known soil dynamics and plant physiology.3 To help protect your health, look for the Organic Label when you buy produce. Fruits and vegetables with this label are certified to have been grown without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; ionizing radiation; or GMOs. It also certifies that organic dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.
The best natural foods, supplements and body-care products are all-vegetarian, free of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, and are minimally processed. The use of vitamins, herbs, and dietary supplements is important to help improve your health and well-being. Choose supplements that have no artificial binders or fillers, and are made from natural ingredients and contain no synthetic chemicals. There’s no point in taking supplements to improve your health if they are loaded with potentially harmful ingredients. And, when it comes to ingredient labels, a simple rule of thumb is that, if you cannot pronounce it or have only seen it in chemistry class, don't eat it! Synthetic additives and preservatives can collect in the fat stores of your body, increasing in toxicity over the years.4 To help you adopt a natural lifestyle, Down to Earth offers:
- Grains and grain products that are minimally processed and have not been bleached or bromated
- Prepared foods that are free of artificial sweeteners, flavors, additives, colorings, and have minimal preservatives
- Natural living, eco-friendly products for the household that create a sense of balance for your body, mind, and spirit
- A wide range of natural bulk foods that protect the environment by reducing packaging and allow customers to buy the amount of their choice, without having to pay for expensive advertising and packaging that drives up the cost
Virtually all the major scientific and medical institutions in the world agree that the risk of these illnesses is linked to a meat-based diet consisting of highly processed foods laden with fats and artificial ingredients. These institutions further agree that the risk is greatly reduced by adopting a healthy low-fat, high-fiber diet. At Down to Earth, we believe this result is best achieved by adopting a healthy vegetarian diet consisting of organic produce and natural foods.
Save the whales, save the rainforests, save the cows, just don’t forget to save your own body too.
- Organic Trade Association, “Conclusive study finds big nutritional benefits for organic”.
- “Nutritional Quality of Organic Versus Conventional Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains,” by Virginia Worthington, published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2001 (pp. 161-173).
- The Hepatitis C Trust. Detoxification. How hepatitis C damages the liver.