HappyinHawaii made a great comment to my post about meat smoothies.
HappyinHawaii finds my discussions about the reality of the meat industry, the blood, brains, guts, type stuff a bit off putting (offensive and gross). I wrote a reply to her comment (I am assuming it is a "her" but I could be wrong about that) and thought it would be good to post it as a blog post as well so more people will likely read it.
My response to HappyinHawaii goes as follows: "You are right, I do tend to go a little overboard about the brutality of the meat industry and I am sorry if that has been off putting for you. The meat industry is incredibly brutal and has effectively brainwashed people into thinking that meat is fine, or rather they have succeeded in getting people not thinking about the awful reality of what meat is.
Sometimes strong language is needed to help people see the truth. Helping people change their diet away from meat is the best thing for them, for their families, for the environment, and for the innocent animals. This is not a relative truth, but a reality that is true for everyone, people just don't understand it at present. I see it as my service to others to help educate the community about the reality of meat.
Maybe I will provide a warning for future posts: "Warning: this blogpost includes graphic language on the reality of meat". Love Life! Love animals, don't eat them! Mark Fergusson