Earth Day is a great reminder that we are all responsible for caring for our planet. This year, we celebrated by volunteering to help our friends at Aloha Animal Sanctuary.
Aloha Animal Sanctuary is O’ahu's first non-profit animal sanctuary for farmed animals. They are completely run by compassionate volunteers whose love for animals can be felt throughout the sanctuary!
We had 20 volunteers who graciously spent their Earth Day/Easter Sunday at the sanctuary, getting it ready for more rescues. Our mission was to clear the land to make way for planting fruit trees and other plants that will be used to eventually feed and shelter the animals at the sanctuary.
After our work was done, we chilled out with some Down to Earth deli favorites and ice-cold water. We sure earned it!
Working on the sanctuary has a way of putting things into perspective. To us, it was just a few hours of our time, but to these animals, it will help to give them a lifetime of comfort and safety. If we do little things every day to help our planet (and our friends who share it with us), we are always going to be one step closer to a better environment. For us here at Down to Earth, Earth day is every day!