It's Sustainable September! There's always room to improve our daily habits for the well-being of the environment and future generations.
Take our 30 Day Sustainable Challenge and make some positive changes!
- Trade out one type of single-use plastic
- Reuse glass jars for bulk goods
- Start using a reusable straw
- Bring reusable shopping bags everywhere
- Start a compost pile
- Buy vintage/thrift store clothes instead of new ones
- Bring reusable utensils wherever you go
- Share a meatless breakfast pic on Instagram
- Recycle!
- Buy an organic version of a household essential
- Watch an inspiring environmental documentary
- Share a meatless lunch pic on Instagram
- Plant a native tree
- Talk to keiki about reducing waste
- Analyze your trash. Is there anything you can find a more sustainable version of?
- Clean-up 20 pieces of rubbish around your neighborhood
- Try a new plant-based recipe
- Ride a bike or walk instead of driving
- Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic
- Make sure to turn off lights and devices before going to bed
- Read a book about living sustainably
- Learn the name of one farmer that you get produce from
- Read an article about Food Waste
- Fix something instead of replacing it
- Use reusable produce bags
- Share a meatless dinner pic on Instagram
- Make a DIY Natural Cleaner
- Donate clothes or household goods instead of throwing them out
- Buy a local version of a household essential
- Trade out another type of single-use plastic