Non-GMO and Fair Trade Month - What, Why, and How

Photo: Non GMO and Fair Trade

October is a special month as Down to Earth is celebrating the annual Non-GMO Month and Fair Trade month. These two labels can be found on many products on our shelves and we are proud to support brands that are certified Non-GMO or Fair Trade because it means supporting companies that are dedicated to what is pono for our communities, our environment, and our future.

Non-GMO Project Logo

Non-GMO Month

Created by the Non-GMO Project, this month-long celebration spotlights shoppers’ rights to choose food and products that do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). One of the ways to avoid GMOs is to choose foods that have the USDA Organic seal, which certifies that GMOs were not used in production. Another way is to look for the butterfly on the Non-GMO Project Verified Seal issued by the Non-GMO Project.

Down to Earth, along with the natural products industry, strongly supports the Non-GMO Project. It is a non-profit collaboration of companies, farmers, and consumers—offering North America’s first program that verifies non-GMO products. The Non-GMO Project provides a seal of approval to manufacturers that meet their rigorous non-GMO standards. Backed by independent testing, the “Non-GMO Project Verified” seal means that GMO contamination has been avoided throughout the growth and harvesting of crops, their processing, storage and packaging.

Down to Earth gives priority to organic and Non-GMO Project Verified products in our purchasing decisions, and we:

  • Avoid purchasing any new food products with major ingredients that may contain GMOs
  • Do not sell single ingredient GMO foods (including papaya, corn, soy, canola or sugar produced from GMO sugar beets)
  • Encourage our suppliers to become Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Actively support organic and sustainable farming methods
  • Support the consumer’s “right-to- know,” including labeling of products that contain GMOs
  • Educate and communicate about the economic, social, health, and environmental impacts of GMOs 

Few choices in our daily lives are as important as the food choices we make for our families and ourselves. Consumers have the right to choose what foods to eat and feed their families. This Non-GMO Project Verified logo enables consumers to exercise this right. Choose foods that have the USDA Organic seal, which certifies that GMOs were not used in production, or look for the butterfly!

Fair Trade Month

October is also Fair Trade month. When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified seal, you can be sure it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards. People making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and uplift their communities.

Choosing goods with the Fair Trade Certified label means helping to provide farmers with tools, training, and resources to help them succeed as international business people. Through direct equitable trade, farming and working families are able to eat better, keep their kids in school, improve health and housing, and invest in the future. In this way, Fair Trade helps keep families, local economies, the natural environment, and the larger community strong today and for generations to come.

Each Fair Trade product you choose supports:

  • Long-term direct trading relationships
  • Prompt payment of fair prices and wages
  • No child, forced or otherwise exploited labor
  • Workplace non-discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association
  • Investment community development
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Traceability and transparency
  • Safe working conditions and reasonable work hours