“Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.”
- Anthony Douglas Williams, writer, and animal rights activist
Every second roughly 1,800 animals, both land and sea, lose their lives in order to feed people. That adds up to over 55 billion animals killed to support the U.S. food supply every year. Most of these animals are treated terribly and endure harsh living conditions, and then are brutally slaughtered. So how can we save these poor animals? Keep reading to learn about the meat & fish industry and how you can help alleviate animal suffering.
Meat industry
It’s no secret that the majority of the meat industry treats animals in a cruel and inhumane way; their lives are put in danger from their very first breath to their very last. These animals never have a chance to raise their young, rest comfortably, or run free.
In general, the factory farming industry’s focus is to maximize output while keeping costs low, at the animals’ expense. To make the most money, factory farms squeeze as many animals as possible in a tiny space, resulting in animals dying from infection or disease. Not only that, but some animals are also pumped with antibiotics to help them grow faster and live longer in harsh conditions. The natural environment around these factory farms suffers immensely due to the release of harmful antibiotics, pesticides, bacteria, decomposing manure, and heavy metals, contributing significantly to climate change.
Fishing industry
There are many types of fishing, including factory fish farms, industrial fishing, and lure fishing. Most fish eaten by humans are raised in factory fish farms, and spend their lives in confined, tight spaces with toxic waters filled with ammonia and nitrates. Industrial, or commercial fishing, is a fishing technique where large masses of fish are killed at once. Some ships use gill nets longer than football fields, catching thousands of fish at once. Lure fishing is the act of adding artificial fishing bait to a fishing hook. Unfortunately, fish in the U.S. aren’t covered by the Humane Slaughter Act, which means people are able to lawfully use brutal slaughter methods when killing fish.
Take steps towards plant-based
If everyone committed to eating plant-based food at least one day a week, millions of animals would be saved each year. If you’re on the fence about transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle, we can help! Check out some of our resources. A plant-based diet is great for your health and may reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure and boost your immune system. Eating more plant-based meals also reduces the demand for animal products and may cut down on a tremendous amount of greenhouse gas emissions. To get you started, try out these ono plant-based meals!
What can we do?
Here at Down to Earth, caring for the well-being of animals is a top priority. We’re proud supporters of the Aloha Sanctuary, Leilani Farm Sanctuary and the Pacific Primate Sanctuary. Visit their websites to see how you can contribute to their efforts to treat these animals with real compassion and aloha.