Most people have one of these main concerns: money, health, or the planet. You may even be seriously worried about all three!
- Tight finances can really weigh you down and become overwhelming as you struggle to just make ends meet every month.
- Major health problems negatively impact and can put a hold on every aspect of your life from life goals to career to relationships to day-to-day living.
- A 2022 Gallup poll showed that American concern about the quality of the environment is near its two-decade high, with 44% of Americans worrying "a great deal" about it. 54% of Americans describe climate change as a major threat to the country’s well-being.

It's understandable to feel overwhelmed and like nothing can be done for any of these three major concerns. But some hope can be found simply in rethinking what you eat every day.
Think about it: a major portion of your budget is spent on food, your health largely depends on what you choose to eat, and our food system has a significant impact on the state of the environment; if enough people change the way they eat to be more sustainable, the system will improve.
How can you eat to help your finances, increase your overall well-being, and protect the planet? Eat more plants! A plant-based diet is the healthiest, most budget-friendly and earth-friendly way of eating. It’s even better if you can select organic, local, and non-GMO foods whenever possible.

Here’re some resources on how plant-based, meatless eating can greatly improve your health and prevent disease:
- For the Health of It: Go Vegetarian
- Help Prevent Cancer with a Plant-based Diet
- Reduce Heart Disease Risk with a Plant-based Diet

Read more about how a vegetarian diet is best for the sustainability of the planet:
- Vegetarian Diet is Key to Sustainability
- Lighten Your Footprint: Eat Local, Fresh, Organic, and Plant-based
- Go Veggie for the Environment
Finally, here’re some simple but ’ono plant-based recipes that don’t cost much:
Don’t forget dessert…just because you're trying to save money, your health, and the planet doesn’t mean you can’t have something sweet from time to time!