What’s on your comfort food list? You may not actually have a written down list, but you probably have some meals that you go for, or at least crave, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, down, tired, sick, or just plain blah. Often these dishes are nostalgic—served with aloha by Grandma/Grandpa, Mom/Dad, or Aunty/Uncle—back in hanabata days. If the food is made just right, the taste can take you right back to a happy place in the past. Ahhh…

Scientific research has found that the brain rewards us with a feel-good rush of dopamine when we indulge in certain foods, including sugary, fatty, and salty foods. This amplifies our motivation to look for and consume palatable food rewards, especially when other parts of our day have been challenging.
Some comfort foods can remind you of another culture, time, or place. Others may be a new favorite that just tastes ʻono and makes you feel good! Although it’s okay to indulge now and then, try to make these comfort foods a little healthier with cleaner and plant-based ingredients. Believe it or not, you can enjoy foods that taste good and nourish your body, too.
Find some comfort from the difficulties of the world, and boost your overall wellness, with a nice warm serving of these goodies:
Stop by our Down to Earth award-winning delis for the perfect comfort foods—the kind you don’t have to cook or wash dishes for. Take care of yourself and Love Life!