Nutrition articles and health tips from Down to Earth Organic and Natural.
National Nutrition Month- Beyond the Table

Hey, you! Yeah, you…what’s on your plate today? It’s a lot more important than you think to choose your food wisely for your health, for the environment, and so much more.
Celebrating National Nutrition Month

March is all about bringing awareness to making smart food choices and creating healthy eating & physical activity habits. Unfortunately, 50% of Americans don’t consume nearly enough fruits and vegetables in their diet.
Does Corn Count as a Vegetable?

People are often surprised to hear that the corn they are eating with meals doesn’t really count as a vegetable, or may be hindering their weight loss goals. If you are included in that group of people, let’s chat.
Prebiotics: No Guts, No Glory

Probiotics receive a lot of attention and buzz for their role in promoting healthy digestion and supporting the immune system. It is likely that you already consume foods rich in probiotics or take supplements that contain probiotics to receive the health benefits.
Nutrition Trends 2019: What are Meso-Nutrients?

As a dietitian I like to follow food and diet trends to see what is popular because it helps me understand what people are hearing about and trying. During the past few years counting “macros” or macronutrients became popular.
Beyond the Nutrition Facts Label: Ingredients Matter

There is no denying that reading the Nutrition Facts Label is important when you are shopping for food.
Nutrition for Nourished Skin

As temperatures get warmer and summer clothes are worn on a daily basis, healthy glowing skin becomes the ultimate accessory. Slathering ourselves in skincare products is often the first line of defense when trying to achieve skin health.
Figuring Out Food Labels

Reading food labels can help you choose wisely when food shopping ― if you know what to look for. Food labels identify the food, the amount inside the package, ingredient list, nutrition information and nutrition facts.. Standardized serving sizes enable you to make nutritional comparisons, which can help you choose more nutritious foods, determine which foods have lower calories and more dietary fiber content, maintain a healthy weight, and consume foods high in nutrients. Here's a simple step-by-step summary of the essential features.
Whole Foods vs Processed Foods

What do you think of when I ask about whole foods? The whole foods that I am referring to are foods that are in their natural state with little or no processing and no artificial ingredients. Like many things, food falls on a spectrum. At one end you have the healthiest options such as whole foods and at the other end are highly processed foods. Let’s take a look at what types of foods fall along the spectrum and how to find balance along the way.
Whole Grain Oats and Heart Health

What if I told you that your kitchen cabinet may hold an amazing heart-healthy ingredient? If it isn’t in your cabinet already, this ingredient is easy and accessible to buy. Oats, yes oatmeal, packs a punch of heart-healthy benefits.