Holiday Tips
Ensure a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving with These Tips

Let the Thanksgiving celebrations begin! Whether you participate with a traditional feast with the whole ‘ohana, don’t celebrate at all, or have created your own unique way to observe the holiday- here’s some easy tips for staying healthy and having no regrets at the end of next week.
Right Here, Right Now - Being Present in the New Year

The majority of New Year’s resolutions focus on losing weight or a fresh start eating healthy. Of course eating healthy and living a lifestyle that helps you feel your best is important. However, resolutions are often restrictive and unsustainable which makes them difficult to stick to.
4 Tips for Healthy and Happy Holidays

Holiday weight gain doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of the season. Follow these 4 tips for a healthy and happy holiday.
4 Tips to Make Your Holiday Party More Sustainable

The holidays are just around the corner and parties are on everyone’s mind. During this season of celebration the amount of waste generated from festivities can really add up. Incorporate a few of these sustainable tips when you plan your next holiday gathering.
Spice Up Your Health for the Holidays

Tucked into some of our favorite holiday dishes is a secret gift for our health. The savory aroma of many traditional holiday delights comes from spices, which are filled with nutrients that help suppress cancer, prevent or manage diabetes, enhance our immunity and much more.
Coping with Winter Blues… in Hawaii?
Pictured: Winter atop Mauna Kea
It’s Not Just About the Food; Appreciating the Spirit of Thanksgiving
When I was a child, Thanksgiving was simply wonderful: a house warmed by a crowd of family and friends; the mouth-watering aroma of rosemary, parsley, and sage; happy chatter in the kitchen over hand-rolled pie crusts; and, last but not least, the thrill of time off school.
Pep Up Your Fall Recipes with Pepitas

Fall is here and pumpkin-flavored dishes are everywhere! We talk about roasted pumpkin, pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup and the cherished Thanksgiving treat…pumpkin pie.
The Best Way to Recover From A Big Holiday Meal
Growing up, a dozen of us sat around the table for holiday meals, loading up on all the traditional rich foods. I recall the adults settling down on the couch after dessert.
Not me. Like most kids, I was restless and needed to move. My siblings, cousins and I would immediately get out our bikes or our sleds if there was snow. We couldn’t wait to go outside.
5 Steps to build a Healthier Smoothie

Summer is here! As the temperatures rise, break out the blender to cool yourself off!
Smoothies can make quick, healthy meals or snacks, and they can keep you cool when the sun is blazing. Summer is also a busy time and portable, healthy meals and snacks are in demand for all members of your family. Unfortunately, when you are out and about picking up a conventional smoothie can be a sugar and calorie-filled disappointment. Learn how to beat the heat and create your own healthy smoothies with these 5 tips: