Healthy Eating

How I went from eating cereal for dinner to making homemade pasta!

Photo: Fresh Pasta with Basil and Tomatoes

When I was thinking about becoming vegetarian, over 10 years ago, like many others, I turned to the internet. I went down a lot of internet “rabbit holes”, I mean A LOT. As I explored all things plant-based, I had to reel it back to reality.

2 Delightful Reasons to Attend VegFest Oahu

Photo: People Enjoying Music at VegFest Oahu

The second annual VegFest Oahu will be here sooner than you think! With only weeks away, this ultra-fun free community event celebrating plant-based, sustainable living will be quite the hot spot.

Ways to Eat Raw Food This Summer

Photo: Zucchini Noodles

Summertime is here and it may be hotter than usual, even though it’s sometimes hard to tell when living in Hawaii! No one likes to use their oven or stove when it’s hot out, and one great way to beat the heat is by enjoying raw foods.

Starting over with… chocolate?

My New Year’s resolutions always start out strong and fire-y and then by mid-February, I sizzle out pretty spectacularly. I’ve got the usual stereotypical resolutions: eat better, exercise more, etc. I get all pumped and excited for the first few weeks and go at my resolutions with a vengeance.

Christmas is Just Around the Corner

Christmas is just around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited. Christmas to me means spending quality time with family and friends, making crafts, and drinking hot cocoa. My absolute favorite thing about Christmas is seeing everyone’s decorations inside and outside of their homes.

Summer Fun: Cooking with your Keiki in the Kitchen

Photo: Girl Eating a Popsicle

Ahh, summer is here… For many kids, summer is a highly anticipated break from school to just hang out and relax. However as many parents know, the summertime boredom quickly sets in and then there’s a mad scramble to find fun stuff for the kids to do.

Food for Thought: The Stories behind the Food You Eat

Photos: Down to Earth Staff and Local Farmers

My absolute favorite part of summer is the plethora of fresh, local, seasonal fruits and veggies. This year, I’ve been making a bigger commitment to eating more local foods. Some effects of eating local foods can help benefit your health and the environment.

Life Foods: Our Favorite New Brand!

Photo: Veggie Burger

I'm very excited to introduce Life Foods, Inc., one of our favorite new brands in the store. Life Foods is a Maui-based company that makes wonderfully delicious superfood products including veggie burgers, condiments, hot sauces, salad dressings and vegetable ferments.

The Diet Wars: Starch is Good

In many Asian and South Asian cultures, the health benefits of rice and other staple starches are well established. Lacking this cultural knowledge, many people in Western countries have bought into fad diets that encourage the consumption of high-fat protein from meat and dairy products. These diets discourage people from eating starches and carbohydrates (grains).

The Health Benefits Of a Compassionate Plant-Based Diet

Photo: Foal with a Woman

Did you know that eating a plant-based diet can help reduce your health risks and increase your compassion? We’ve talked before about certain health benefits of eating a plant-based diet – particularly the fact that meat is high in saturated fat, which contributes to cancer, high blood pressure and strokes. However, a plant-based diet offers another health benefit that you may not have considered: the relaxing, immunity-boosting effects of compassion.