Sweet Sleep Elixir

Picture: Sweet Sleep Elixir
This easy, refreshing drink may help you relax and sleep more soundly. Tart cherry juice contains melatonin, which can regulate sleep cycles, while magnesium supports mood, sleep, and overall wellness. Paired with a prebiotic sparkling drink to boost digestion, this combination makes a simple, effective bedtime remedy.
**Always consult your physician before starting any new supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medication.**
1 serving

-1/2 cup Organic Pure Tart Cherry Juice (if you have cherry juice concentrate, reconstitute with water as suggested on the label first) 

-Magnesium Powder, Unflavored- read the label for the recommended dosage** 

-1/2 cup Prebiotic Soda (like Olipop)


Combine all ingredients in a glass, add ice if desired, stir well, and sip an hour or so before bedtime.