Hemp Protein Bars

Hemp protein is loaded with healthful fats and heart-healthy proteins. This recipe, adapted from www.greenkitchenstories.com, is a great way to include this sustainable superfood in your diet.
8-12 bars
- 1 cup pumpkin seeds + 2 Tablespoons for garnish
- ¾ cup dried shredded coconut
- ½ cup hemp seeds
- ½ cup hemp protein powder or more hemp seeds
- ¼ cup chia seeds
- Pinch sea salt
- 15-20 Medjool dates, pitted
- ⅓ cup coconut oil
- ¼ cup raw cacao powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ½ teaspoon ground vanilla
- In a food processor or blender, pulse pumpkin seeds, coconut, hemp seeds, hemp powder, chia seeds and salt until ground but still slightly chunky.
- Add dates, coconut oil, cacao powder and vanilla to processor blend until smooth. Mixture should be slightly tacky.
- Press the batter evenly into an 8x8 inch baking dish, using a measuring cup to press evenly. Sprinkle on remaining 2 Tablespoons pumpkin seeds and press into mixture. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, then cut into bars or squares. Wrap them in parchment or waxed paper and store in an air-tight container. Bars will keep around a week in the fridge.