Lifestyle Hub
Only 1 in 7 change their lifestyle when told if they don't they will die
| Health & WellnessA quote from a motivational book states, "A recent study showed that when doctors tell heart patients they will die if they don't change their habits, only one in seven will be able to follow through successfully. Desire and motivation aren't enough: even when it's literally a matter of life or death, the ability to change remains maddeningly elusive."
Our President likes to discuss these matters over; burgers, beer and cigarettes
| Health & WellnessAndy Hawaii Blogger made a great comment on yesterday's blog post, he said, "Our President likes to discuss these matters over; burgers, beer and cigarettes". This is very insightful. A big part of the problem is that we have leaders who are not able to make real change because they are part of the problem, how can we expect people who are attached to eating burgers and smoking cigarettes to make meaningful changes to the most significant causes of the nation's health crisis - poor lifestyle and diet choices.
Health care debate misses the real solution
| Health & WellnessI continue to be amazed that the debate over changes to the nation’s health care system is not focused, or at least that a significant part of the debate isn’t about how to reduce the need for so much expensive medical intervention/treatment in the first place.
One Denny's double cheese burger has double the total recommended daily salt intake
| Healthy EatingDenny's has been hit with a lawsuit seeking to have the chain disclose in its restaurants the sodium content of its food. A New Jersey man backed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest filed suit against Denny's Corp. on Thursday. The suit, filed in Superior Court of New Jersey, claims that some meals at Denny's contain more than three days' worth of the recommended amount of sodium.
Wienermobile in the news again
| Innocent AnimalsIn the big news of the day the Wienermobile is in violation of state law and could be fined if it comes to Hawaii again, the fine for a first violation is between $200 - $1,000 and $5,000 for subsequent offenses.
Oscar Mayer sued to put cancer warning labels on their weiners
| Healthy EatingAndy in our Honolulu wellness department sent me a link to a story about a lawsuit filed on Wednesday (yesterday) asking a New Jersey county court to make food companies put cancer warning labels on hot dogs sold in New Jersey.
GMO revolving door continues
| GMOsIn other recent news the GMO FDA Monsanto revolving door continues as a former vice president of public policy at Monsanto (that job title is Orwellian corporate speak for making sure the government puts up no barriers for GMOs) to a high level position at the FDA. The guys who make the GMOs are the guys supposedly regulating them. That sure makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Not! The following is from a Natural Foods Merchandiser article:
17,500 unfavorable, 39 favorable comments on GMO trees
| GMOsFrom the True Food Network: July 16, 2009 Nearly 17,500 public comments were sent to the US Department of Agriculture opposing their recommendation for approval of an ArborGen proposal to plant over a quarter of a million genetically engineered (GE) eucalyptus trees. Only 39 favorable comments were received by the USDA. If allowed, the plantings would take place on 330 acres of land across seven states in the Southern U.S., to supposedly feed future cellulosic ethanol production.
Down to Earth in Africa?
| Environment & Sustainability
Sarah, Our Kahului store manager sent me an email the other day saying "a while back we donated a gift card to a woman named Jacqueline who runs a group called Carina Water Wells. They put up drinking water well in Tanzania.
Dog butcher - should have received more punishment!
| Innocent AnimalsI should have added to my blog post about the dog butcher that it is horrific what they did and in one sense the fact that so many other animals are cruelly mistreated does not actually have anything to do with it. Some commentators on the post think the punishment for the butchers should have been more severe, not to worry, under the laws of karma, "as you sow, so shall you reap" every activity has a consequence, if we take a life, so in the future our life shall be taken in the same manner.