Lifestyle Hub
High levels of EMF or electro-magnet fields in hybrids and full electric vehicles
| Health & WellnessAn interesting comment was posted on my blog post "Electric cars, are they the best way to reduce greenhouse gases?" The reader commented: "Independent studies have shown high levels of EMF or electro-magnet fields in hybrids and full electric vehicles. Conventional gas vehicles are actually better for our health then we think. EMF is known to have side effects from long term exposures."
Making wieners is also contributing to making H1N1 swine flu
| Health & WellnessInteresting tweet from someone following Downtoearthfood on Twitter: "making wieners is also contributing to making H1N1 swine flu". As I reported in my blog post "Swine flu linked to modern factory farming of pigs" of June 22, evidence suggests that swine flu has come from pig factory farms.
Swine flu
| Health & WellnessThings have been hectic so I haven't done any blogging over the past few days. I have been busy working on remodel and expansion plans (more about this in the near future).
JBS Swift Beef Co. expands recall
| Healthy EatingIn the news today is a story about a beef recall, with 380,000 pounds of possibly E coli contaminated beef being recalled. E coli contamination occurs in the slaughterhouse when meat (i.e. animal flesh) gets contaminated by animal feces.
Grain based cattle diets promote the growth of E. coli. Cattle that eat a normal diet of grass or hay do not have the pathogenic strains of E coli like 0157:H7 that is responsible for more than 20,000 infections and 200 deaths each year in the United States.
Do you truly want to be a wiener?
| Innocent AnimalsWell, the wiener story has generated some interest, with eight (8) comments so far and counting! Yeah, sausages are disgusting, yet that truth is well hidden, and clever marketing like the Wienermobile keeps it that way. The Honolulu Advertiser and other media are continuing to promote the Wienermobile, they must not have read my blog post yet!
Wienermobile on the roll
| Innocent AnimalsOkay, today I have to comment on the “Wienermobile on the roll” story in the Hawaii section of the Honolulu Advertiser, a “feel good” story about a Wienermobile, a car with a bun and hot dog built over it that gives kids and adults some “fun”. What can be wrong with that? Some amusement for the keiki and for their parents in these tough economic times is a good thing right? The Wienermobile arrived in Honolulu yesterday. The following is from the story:
USDA accepting comments on GE crop regulations
| GMOsIn the waning months of the Bush Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a proposal to completely overhaul its regulation of genetically engineered crops, significantly weakening its oversight.
The Non-GMO Project
| GMOsStarting this fall, a “Non-GMO Project Verified” logo will begin appearing on products in stores, for the first time giving shoppers an informed choice about whether or not to consume GMOs. The logo is backed by North America’s first consensus-based Standard for GMO avoidance, as well as its only independent, 3rd party Product Verification Program. All of this is the result of years of work by dedicated retailers, producers, farmers, and other stakeholders, collaborating through the Non-GMO Project.
"We all love animals. Why do we call some 'pets' and others 'dinner?'"
| Innocent AnimalsAnother article in the Honolulu Advertiser today is called "Pets are people too, according to poll." The article presents the results of a telephone poll and reports that 50% of those polled consider their pet as much a part of the family as anyone else in the household, with another 36% saying they are part of the family but not a full member.
Electric cars, are they the best way to reduce greenhouse gases?
| Environment & SustainabilityFront page news today in the Honolulu Advertiser is that "a private company that state officials hope will put Hawaii on the road to the widespread use of electric vehicles expects to begin installing infrastructure here in about six months."
The company plans to install "between 20,000 - 30,000 recharging stations that can be used by electric vehicles in homes, office buildings, parking lots and public and private facilities."