Lifestyle Hub
Meat selling retailers win "Most Humane Grocery Store" award
| Innocent AnimalsGrocery stores selling "humane meat" won awards for being the most humane grocery stores. Now that is an oxymoron (according to Wikipedia an oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms) if ever I heard one, "humane meat", there is no such thing, give me a break. (Warning graphic language concerning the reality of meat follows) meat is brutally murdered animal flesh, and no matter how you look at it, raising an animal simply to kill and eat it is not "humane".
Burger King removes ad, apologizes.... Now if only they would stop killing cows....
| Innocent AnimalsIn a surprise move Burger King quickly responded to the complaint from the Hindu American Foundation concerning the use of a Hindu Goddess to promote their burgers, apologized, and stated it would cease the advertising campaign.
Bottled water banned in move to protect environment
| Environment & SustainabilityBottled water is coming under even more pressure following the action of a small Australian town to ban sales of bottled water. Bottled water sales, once a major growth industry, has slowed considerably as people have considered the adverse environmental impacts of the plastic bottles, production costs, and trucking and transportation involved. It is cheaper and more environmentally sound to properly filter tap water. The following is from the Associated Press story:
Go to hospital; instead of needed painkillers get salt water and Hep C
| Health & WellnessIn a scary case that makes it even more worrying to go to hospital, a medical worker injected the painkillers intended for patients into herself, then filled the used syringes with saline solution and injected the patients with that, exposing them to Hep C.
Burger King misuses Hindu Goddess to sell burgers
| Healthy EatingBurger King, the international hamburger chain, has offended hundreds of millions of Hindus by misusing an image of a Hindu Goddess to promote the sale of burgers. A principal tenet of Hinduism is vegetarianism, thus the use of a Hindu deity in this way is highly offensive to them. The following is from an article posted on the Hindu American Foundation's website:
Bulk is green
| Environment & SustainabilityThe following is from Progressive Grocer magazine: A recent study conducted by the Bulk Is Green Council confirms what the Little Rock, Ark.-based advocacy group is seeking to advance with consumers: that retail prices of bulk foods vs. their packaged counterparts are an average of 35 percent lower. Indeed, bulk foods were lower for all of the 16 foods compared, with savings ranging from 3 percent to 96 percent. Additionally, the majority of bulk foods compared in the study were organic while their packaged counterparts were often not.
Oh oh, Monsanto working with Dole to "improve vegetables"
| GMOsI sense big trouble ahead. Monsanto and Dole are teaming up to "improve" our vegetables. While Monsanto says this won't include genetic engineering others are sceptical (now I wonder why that is?).
Meat smoothie anyone? Part 2
| Innocent AnimalsHappyinHawaii made a great comment to my post about meat smoothies. HappyinHawaii finds my discussions about the reality of the meat industry, the blood, brains, guts, type stuff a bit off putting (offensive and gross). I wrote a reply to her comment (I am assuming it is a "her" but I could be wrong about that) and thought it would be good to post it as a blog post as well so more people will likely read it. My response to HappyinHawaii goes as follows:
Round Up ready alfalfa drenched in poison!
| GMOsAwake-at-the-wheel made a great post on the story about Round Up Ready Alfalfa being blocked in court (at least for now): "The concept of 'improving' crops by making them somehow survive being purposely drenched in poison is not the product of healthy minds."
Meat smoothie anyone?
| Innocent Animals
Trevtheveg made a great post to my story about the Wienermobile (the vehicle that when you press the horn plays a song saying “Oh, I'd love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener. That is what I'd truly like to be”). His post is about how hot dogs are really made and includes some great links to You Tube videos showing some pretty gross stuff, like how all the meat cuts (read cow flesh) is ground up and literally turned into something that looks like a meat smoothie (gross).
Trevtheveg says "This three minute video from National Geographic will keep or make you a vegetarian for life!