General Health

Why Your Gut Microbiome Matters

Photo: Bowel model and variety of healthy fresh food

Your gut is home to millions of microbes that help you digest food and perform other essential functions – this is known as your gut microbiome.

Healthy, Natural Sunscreens

Photo: Baby at the Beach

Watch the video to see the difference between healthy, natural sunscreens and conventional. 

Essential Oils for A Good Night’s Sleep

Photo: Lavendar Oil

What essential oils are great for a good night's sleep? Below is a quick list from Carmela.

Mindfulness to Relieve Stress During the Holidays

Photo: Woman meditating on the beach

The holidays are the most anticipated time of the year, but they can also be the most overwhelming. One of our greatest tools for combatting holiday stress is a solid mindfulness practice.

Managing Stress this Fall

Photo: Woman holding her head and using a laptop

Adapted from Susi Amendola’s original article

Happy Hemp History Week

Photo: Hemp Seeds

June 3rd - 9th is Hemp History Week, a public education campaign to raise awareness about the environmental sustainability, health benefits, regenerative agriculture potential, and new technological applications of industrial hemp.

Relax and Relieve Stress this Mother’s Day

Photo: Woman on a mountain

Adapted from Susi Amendola’s original article, “Vital Techniques for Reducing Stress”

Just 4 Steps to Preventing Serious Illness

Photo: Family on Beach

There is a quote attributed to Hippocrates that states “The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it”.

Put Some Spring In Your Step: Natural Energy Boosters

Photo: Glass of Water

Spring is officially here on March 20th. If you notice that you are dragging in the morning or you find yourself exhausted and having a hard time focusing after lunch try these natural energy boosters to add some “spring” to your step: